In collaboration with our state and local health departments and healthcare providers, Margaret Mary Health has implemented protocols to identify, care for (if needed) and prevent the potential spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease in our community.
We are asking for the public’s assistance. Any person(s) who have traveled from any of the destinations listed below should contact their local health department or Deanna Youngman, MMH Infection Prevention Coordinator, so education about signs, symptoms, monitoring, and prevention of COVID-19 can be provided.
Level 3 Destinations
- China
- Italy
- Iran
- South Korea
Level 2 Destinations
- Japan
In addition to travel to one of the above-listed countries or exposure to someone diagnosed with COVID-19, if you are experiencing signs or symptoms of COVID-19 (fever and/or signs of lower respiratory illness – cough or shortness of breath), we ask you to call ahead to notify your physician’s office or Margaret Mary’s ER/Minor Care BEFORE coming in if you feel you need to be seen by a physician.
During the call, identify you have or may have COVID-19. You will be asked to wait at home until MMH’s Infection Prevention department calls to evaluate if you are a potential Patient Under Investigation (PUI) for COVID-19 per the CDC guidelines. You may then be directed to come to the MMH Main Campus ER.
If immediate emergency care is needed, call 911 and tell the dispatcher you may have COVID-19.
To prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious respiratory illnesses (Influenza), do the following:
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and immediately dispose of it.
- Clean your hands appropriately and often.
- Soap and water for 20 seconds, especially if visibly soiled.
- Alcohol hand sanitizer, if not visibly soiled.
- Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes with unwashed hands.
- Avoid sharing personal items.
- Stay home, except to get medical care.
- Wear a facemask when entering a healthcare facility.
- Clean all high-touch surfaces daily.
“In addition to COVID-19, we are still seeing high numbers of other seasonal respiratory infections, particularly the flu,” says Deanna Youngman, MMH Infection Prevention Coordinator. “To protect both yourself and your family be sure to practice good hand hygiene, stay home when you’re sick, cover your cough and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.”
COVID-19 is an evolving disease with frequent updates. Margaret Mary will keep the public updated as needed. More information can be obtained at cdc.gov.