Sponsorship Request
MMH is pleased to support many community-based organizations who complement our mission.

Sponsorship Guidelines
Each year, Margaret Mary Health receives many requests for donations and sponsorship support. MMH is pleased to partner with and support the community-based organizations who complement and impact the mission of our organization, which is 'to improve the health of our communities.' While we recognize the contributions of these organizations to our communities, MMH is not able to support every request and for this reason, we have defined the following guidelines and criteria for consideration when submitting a request.
- Sponsorships must align with the Margaret Mary Health mission, vision, values and strategic priorities.
- Sponsorships must benefit the primary communities served by MMH in Ripley and Franklin counties: Batesville, Oldenburg, Brookville, Metamora, Morris, Milan, Sunman, Osgood and Napoleon.
- The community organization and event/activity must seek to address a community health need and demonstrate a positive impact on the communities served.
- Sponsorship or program/event must reach and impact a substantial number of people in service area.
- The applicant/organization should be a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization in good standing. MMH does not support individual participation in a fundraising event or activity.
- Multiple sponsorships will not be extended to the same organization during a given year.
- MMH does not make financial donations to individuals or political candidates/campaigns.
Submitting Your Request
- Margaret Mary Health reviews donation and sponsorship requests on an on-going basis; however, we request you submit your application a minimum of 60 days prior to the event.
- All requests must be sent to the Marketing Department, 321 Mitchell Avenue, Batesville, IN 47006, or can be e-mailed. Please include a completed Sponsorship Request form and any additional documents specific to the event, program or request.
- Please note all usage of the Margaret Mary Health logo and brand must be submitted for approval prior to production.
- Please be advised we may not be able to fulfill every sponsorship request, even if the request meets our criteria.