If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text the 988 Lifeline for 24/7, free and confidential emotional support.
It’s important to know the warning signs of suicide because recognizing them can potentially save a life. Suicide is a complex issue, often stemming from a combination of factors like mental health conditions, stressful life events and feelings of hopelessness.
Warning signs include:
- Talking about suicide, including wanting to die, feeling hopeless or having no reason to live
- Feelings of being trapped or being a burden to others
- Experiencing unbearable pain
- Feelings of guilt, shame or anger
- Increased alcohol or drug use
- Losing interest in personal appearance or hygiene
- Withdrawing from family, friends or community
- Saying goodbye to friends and family
- Giving away prized possessions
- A recent episode of depression, emotional distress and/or anxiety
- Changes in eating and/or sleeping patterns
- Becoming violent or being a victim of violence
- Expressing rage
- Recklessness
Major risk factors include:
- Prior suicide attempt(s)
- Misuse and abuse of alcohol or other drugs
- Mental disorders, particularly depression and other mood disorders
- Access to lethal means
- Knowing someone who died by suicide, particularly a family member
- Social isolation
- Chronic disease and disability
- Lack of access to behavioral health care
If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text the 988 Lifeline for 24/7, free and confidential emotional support.
*Information provided by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center