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At MMH, our patients speak volumes.

I Was in Good Hands From the Beginning

For 55-year-old Sheryl Ison, beating breast cancer is a family tradition. With a mother and two aunts who’ve battled (and beat) the disease, this Milan resident was ready to fight when she was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year. Following a mastectomy, she soon scheduled an appointment with Margaret Mary’s cancer team to devise a treatment plan that included both chemo and radiation therapy.

“A cancer diagnosis can stop you in your tracks,” said Sheryl, “but I knew all along I was going to be ok. My mom received her cancer treatment at Margaret Mary, and I knew I wanted to do the same. You couldn’t find a kinder, more accommodating staff if you tried. If I had questions, I was able to call at anytime. They also let me plan my radiation treatments around my schedule so I wouldn’t have to miss much work. I felt like I was in good hands from the beginning.”

Today, Sheryl’s prognosis is positive and she looks forward to spending many more years with her family and friends.

For patients in need of radiation therapy, our recently installed technology provides the best cancer treatment available on the market today. Providing greater beam intensity to destroy cancer cells, the linear accelerator is designed to deliver the lowest dose of radiation possible to surrounding healthy tissue while allowing for better, more accurate treatment of tumors. Learn more here.